52词语>英语词典>coming upon翻译和用法

coming upon

na. 碰到;忽然想到;突袭;要求
[网络] 苦难临到



  • The article, coming out anonymously, is fathered upon Ms Harper.
  • The shadow of the coming rain is on the sands, and the clouds hang low upon the blue lines of the trees like the heavy hair above your eyebrows.
  • With the Global Village coming on, the Postcolonial theory, by the edge of main stream theory in the past, is moving upon to the center and becoming west, even international focus today.
  • Flowers are spiritual food to ox and sheep. An ox or a sheep will, when coming upon a flower, only use its eyes or nose; it uses its teeth only for grass.
  • I knew that this "new Germany" was already coming to an end, and that, after the enormous devastation which that madness had brought upon the country, priests would be needed more than ever.
  • One day, as he was jogging along Hyde Park, coming upon the junction with Notting Hill Road, he was beginning to feel thirsty and turned into the pub at the corner for some juice.
  • I felt that an evil time might be coming upon those who he had set himself to hunt down.
  • Electronic Commerce ( EC)' s coming is impacting upon traditional contract law system.
  • The employment will still be a hot issue in the coming decade. I have never looked upon the matter in that light.
  • The Lord Jehovah has sworn by his holiness indeed days are coming upon you when one will take you away with hooks, and your posterity, with fish hooks.